Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Beyond Exposing 9/11 and Israeli Connection and More

Beyond Exposing 9/11 and Israeli Connection and More

In Exposing 9/11 and Israeli Connection I have attempted to append verifiable links to demonstrate:

1. 9/11 Connections and False Accusations Against Muslims

2. Israeli Connections in Many Conflicts

3. Many Disgusting Jewish Beliefs and Practices

4. Records of American False Flag Operations.

In Beyond Exposing 9/11 and Israeli Connection I have noticed that many people are not reading my materials due to censorship, inability or reasons not known to me. Yet, they are making silly remarks about me!

In Beyond Debate vs Murdering Free Speech I was addressing many issues including Faruque Ahmed's T-Shirt including the following:

USA got money. The Arabs got the oil. They need each other. No one needs war to buy oil. Please remember, Cheney: Iraq pullout would hurt Israel, Iraq: A War For Israel and Illegal and immoral invasion of Iraq are state inspired violence. Iraq provides further evidence and therefore attacking the messenger (Faruque Ahmed) is not a good idea.

Debate vs Murdering Free Speech contains Submission to Propaganda, No Mosque at Ground Zero, Robert Spencer praises Newt's intellectual leadership in identifying threat of radical Islam, Video: America at Risk: Camus, National Security, and Afghanistan, Newt Gingrich Praises Anti-Defamation League for Opposing Proposed Islamic Community Center near Ground Zero, Newt says WTC mosque construction is a "political act" on NY1 News, Newt Gingrich Statement on Proposed Mosque/Islamic Community Center near Ground Zero and many other links and forums that contain my contributions and they are subject to public scrutiny.

Racism and Sectarianism Inspired Violence alerted about the so called Muslims leaders like Salman Rushdie, Ershad Manji, Ayaan Hirshi Ali, … to prevent misunderstanding.

Australia to America and Taxi Drivers went on to remind about Stabbed Muslim cabbie to enter Ground Zero mosque spat, Redfern Mosque Attack, Muslim Worshipers Attacked Outside Australian Mosque and Quinn Mosque attacks!

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